Saturday 20 June 2015

Rainy Day in Mumbai

Rainy Day is a Gloomy Day
Roads and Gutters are filled with water
Cars and Buses move very slowly
We get a holiday in the school

I wrote this composition in my I STD at school way back in 1979. As a child, the first rains in Mumbai would bring out the inner child in me (even when I was 7 ). I with my elder brother and sister would make it a ritual to get into the waist (knee most of the times) deep water in Santacruz, a suburb of Mumbai. How much fun it was, really the best thing !!

With friends, I used to get into the (cleaned )gutters after the rains to catch Tadpoles, assuming they were fish. This was my first profession i can say.

The aroma of the wet play grounds....cant put it in words

Also walking back from school to home in the rains was fun as no excuse was needed to get wet.

Now its 2015.

First heavy rains in Mumbai and I get reasons to stay indoors and avoid the trouble. Is it so?
Where is the inner child? I am searching it today. Rains are calling it.
Will I or the inner child triumph? Anybody's guess